How Can I Minimize Scaring and Promote Healing After After Weight Loss Surgery?

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a significant life change, and at Premier Surgical Arts, Dr. Dax Demaree is well-versed in guiding patients through the aftermath of their hard-earned weight loss. When substantial weight is lost, one may be left with excess skin, which can be both a cosmetic and comfort concern. That’s where post-weight loss surgery steps in — procedures like arm skin removal and others aim to remove this extra skin, helping patients feel more comfortable and confident in their new bodies. If you’re considering after weight loss surgery, contact our Altoona, WI, office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Demaree.

Why might someone consider surgery after significant weight loss?

Surgery after significant weight loss isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about improving the quality of life. Removing excess skin through procedures like after weight loss surgery can alleviate the discomfort and physical limitations that often come with carrying extra skin. It can also help enhance body contour, allowing clothes to fit better, and may improve personal hygiene by reducing the skin folds where moisture and bacteria can build up. Dr. Demaree specializes in these transformative surgeries at Premier Surgical Arts, helping Altoona, WI, and surrounding area patients to achieve their final step toward a new beginning.

How can I care for my wounds to ensure minimal scarring?

Caring for your wounds post-surgery is crucial for minimizing scarring and promoting the best healing possible. We will go over your healing and recovery process in detail before and after your surgery, but some tips to keep in mind include:

  • Follow Dr. Demaree’s detailed aftercare instructions precisely
  • Keep the incision area clean and dry to prevent infection
  • Apply prescribed ointments or creams to the area to promote healing
  • Avoid strenuous activities that may stress the healing wounds
  • Monitor the wound for signs of infection or unusual healing and report these to your surgeon.

By closely following Dr. Demaree’s post-care instructions, you can significantly influence the healing process after your surgery, leading to more favorable outcomes and less noticeable scarring. Dr. Demaree is committed to providing personalized care and will ensure that you have the necessary information and support throughout your recovery period.

How does nutrition influence recovery after surgery?

Good nutrition is the cornerstone of any recovery process. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can aid the body’s natural repair mechanisms, helping you recover from surgeries by providing the building blocks needed for new tissue. Additionally, staying well-hydrated is not just about quenching thirst; it’s about ensuring your skin retains its suppleness and resilience as it heals.

What is the importance of post-operative appointments?

Staying in touch with Dr. Demaree after your procedure is paramount. These check-ins allow for assessment of your healing and scar development, ensuring everything is proceeding as expected. They also allow you to ask questions and express concerns about your recovery process. Dr. Demaree’s expertise can help you navigate the complexities of post-surgical care with ease.

What long-term care strategies should I adopt for my scars?

Maintaining your scar care over the long term is crucial for the best aesthetic outcome. Sunscreen should become a part of your daily routine to protect delicate scar tissue from harmful UV rays. Massaging the scarred areas can also promote tissue flexibility and break down scar tissue over time. Remember, healing is a marathon, not a sprint.

Reclaim your body after weight loss

Dr. Dax Demaree is committed to providing top-tier care throughout your after weight loss surgery journey. From managing loose skin after weight loss to ensuring the finest aesthetic results possible with minimal scarring, Dr. Demaree’s expertise is invaluable. Ready to take the next step in your transformation? Contact Premier Surgical Arts in Altoona, WI, for personalized care tailored to your healing and aesthetic goals, and embrace your body’s new contours with confidence and pride.

How Should Patients Sleep After Breast Augmentation?

With the modern technologies and techniques available today, recovery after breast augmentation surgery is much faster, more comfortable, and more convenient than ever. In fact, most patients are able to resume a great deal of their daily routines — like light desk work — within a week or so after surgery. Still, there are some activities that may be off-limits for several weeks or months, and there are several important things patients will need to plan for in order to ensure the smoothest and most successful healing process possible. For example, it may be necessary to temporarily adjust your sleeping position after a breast augmentation. In this blog from Premier Surgical Arts, Altoona, WI, general surgeon Dr. Dax Demaree offers helpful information about what to expect after breast augmentation surgery and, specifically, how, why, and for how long patients may need to change the way they sleep.


All about breast augmentation recovery

The details of breast augmentation recovery will vary from patient to patient, with one of the most impactful factors being the type of surgery that was performed. Generally speaking, recovery after getting breast implants is somewhat longer and more involved than recovery after a fat transfer breast augmentation.

After getting breast implants, the first few days should be devoted to rest, with the exception of walking to and from the bathroom or around the house to encourage blood circulation and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clot. Over the next several days, patients will notice bruising, swelling, and some discomfort. Dr. Demaree will discuss strategies and solutions to keep these symptoms at bay. Within about 1 – 2 weeks, it is usually safe and appropriate to resume very light desk work and household chores. Lifting, raising your arms above your head, exercising, running, jumping, and other more strenuous activities and positions will remain prohibited for about 6 – 8 weeks, or until cleared by Dr. Demaree.

Around the two-month mark, the breasts should feel softer, sit at a more natural position on the chest, and the vast majority of postsurgical swelling should have resolved, allowing patients to finally enjoy the new look and feel of their breasts.


Do I have to sleep on my back with breast implants?

One of the most popular questions from women considering breast augmentation surgery is whether they’ll still be able to sleep on their stomachs. The answer is yes, after healing and recovery are complete, it is usually considered safe and appropriate to return to your preferred sleeping position. For the first 4 – 6 weeks after surgery, however, patients should plan to sleep on their back in a slightly elevated position, similar to how you would lie in a reclining chair. This helps to:

  • Reduce swelling
  • Improve pain and discomfort
  • Keep pressure off the healing incisions and tissues
  • Prevent the reopening of incisions

During your follow-up appointments, Dr. Demaree will evaluate your healing progress and let you know when you can safely go back to your preferred sleeping position, whether that be on your side or stomach.


Questions about breast augmentation surgery in Altoona, WI? Let us help

When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, we understand that it is a life-changing decision that you may have many questions about, and we are here to help. To learn more about how breast augmentation surgery works, what choices you have for breast implants, and what results may be possible for you, call Premier Surgical Arts in Altoona, WI to schedule your private consultation with distinguished general surgeon Dr. Dax Demaree today.

Does Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding?

When contemplating breast augmentation, one of the primary concerns that many prospective patients have is the potential impact on breastfeeding. To dispel myths, alleviate concerns, and provide evidence-based insights on this matter, Dr. Dax Demaree at Premier Surgical Arts is here to help. When you choose to have breast augmentation at our Altoona, WI surgical center, we’re here for you from the moment you make the decision to consult with our team. To learn more about how breast augmentation could impact breastfeeding, read on.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and contour of breasts, commonly utilizing implants. A crucial question surrounding this procedure is its potential influence on breastfeeding. Dr. Demaree understands this vital question and is happy to work with patients who have this concern. If you are considering breast augmentation and may not be done with your breastfeeding years, it’s important to be upfront and transparent about this when you visit our Altoona, WI office, so we can help you make decisions that can meet both of your desires.

How does breast augmentation influence breastfeeding?

The association between breast augmentation and breastfeeding is an essential consideration for prospective patients. According to Dr. Demaree, several aspects can affect the breastfeeding potential post-augmentation:

  • Surgical techniques: The surgical approach plays a significant role. Incisions made around the areola or through the armpit could potentially disrupt the milk ducts, leading to breastfeeding complications.
  • Implant placement: The placement of the implant can also affect breastfeeding. An implant inserted beneath the chest muscle rather than directly behind the breast tissue is less likely to interfere with milk production.

Can precautions be taken to preserve breastfeeding post-augmentation?

Certain precautions can optimize the likelihood of successful breastfeeding following breast augmentation. Choosing an experienced surgeon knowledgeable about your breastfeeding goals is paramount. Additionally, opting for surgical techniques that minimize disruption to breastfeeding, such as incisions made below the breast or implants placed beneath the chest muscle, can mitigate the potential impact.

What personal factors influence breastfeeding after augmentation?

Personal factors can significantly influence breastfeeding capabilities post-augmentation. Genetics, inherent breast anatomy, overall health status, and prior breast surgeries can all affect breastfeeding outcomes after breast augmentation.

What support is available for breastfeeding challenges post-augmentation?

Difficulties with breastfeeding post-augmentation, such as reduced milk production or altered nipple sensitivity, are not uncommon. However, these can often be successfully navigated with the right support. Dr. Demaree suggests collaborating with a lactation consultant or a healthcare provider specializing in breastfeeding for personalized strategies.

Begin your journey toward enhanced confidence today

The decision to undergo breast augmentation is deeply personal, and understanding its potential impact on breastfeeding is vital. However, with careful surgical planning and professional support, successful breastfeeding post-procedure can be possible.

If you’re considering breast augmentation and have concerns about breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Dax Demaree and the team at Premier Surgical Arts. Our expert guidance can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your personal goals. Our Altoona, WI team is committed to ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience from your initial conversation through to recovery. Your health and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Can Breast Augmentation Help Correct Asymmetry ?

It’s more common than people realize to have uneven breasts. Even so, for many, it can be a source of frustration, low self-esteem, and more. Breast augmentation stands out as a favored option for those seeking a solution to this. At Premier Surgical Arts, our team offers advanced solutions for those desiring an improved breast shape and symmetry. It’s essential to understand that everyone’s anatomy is unique, and a “one-size-fits-all” approach isn’t always the best. With advanced techniques and individualized care, the journey to symmetry can be transformative. For more information on breast enhancement in Altoona, WI, contact Dr. Dax Demaree.

Why do some women have uneven breasts?

Uneven breasts can result from a variety of causes. The journey of natural growth and development often causes differences in breast shape and size. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Natural growth: As the body develops, each breast can grow at a slightly different rate.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Changes during puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause can impact breast size.
  • Trauma or injury: Any injury to the chest area can result in changes to breast tissue.
  • Previous surgeries: Surgeries, especially those related to the breast, like biopsies or lumpectomies, can cause asymmetry.
  • Genetics: Just as we inherit eye or hair color, breast size and shape can also be a genetic trait.

It’s crucial to remember that no two breasts are the same, even on the same individual. Embracing one’s uniqueness is essential, but options are available for those wanting to create a more symmetrical appearance.

How does breast augmentation address uneven breasts?

Breast augmentation goes beyond just augmenting size. At its heart, the procedure aims to achieve a harmonious balance and symmetry. Through the strategic placement of implants or fine-tuning of natural tissue, Dr. Demaree sculpts a more symmetrical and appealing breast shape. The goal isn’t just aesthetics but also ensuring the patient feels confident and comfortable in their skin. Every procedure is tailored to the patient’s body and desired outcome. Proper consultation and planning can lead to results that look and feel natural.

How is breast augmentation performed?

The breast augmentation process is a meticulous blend of art and science. At Premier Surgical Arts, we begin with an in-depth consultation to understand the patient’s desires and assess their physical anatomy. This step is crucial to recommend the best possible implant type, size, and placement method. During the surgery, small incisions are made, often under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit, depending on the chosen method and the patient’s specific anatomy. The selected implants are then carefully placed above or below the chest muscle.

The incisions are closed, and the patient is moved to a recovery area to be monitored after the procedure. Post-surgery, patients are provided detailed care instructions and regular follow-ups to ensure smooth healing and optimal results. The entire process, from consultation to recovery, is designed with utmost precision and patient comfort in mind, ensuring outcomes that resonate with the individual’s aesthetic vision.

Create a symmetrical appearance in Altoona, WI

Crafting breast symmetry is a transformative endeavor that can bolster self-worth and refine one’s overall silhouette. If breast enhancement to remedy uneven breasts aligns with your vision, look no further than the expertise at Premier Surgical Arts. A personalized touch is the keystone of every cosmetic endeavor, safeguarding that the outcomes echo your desires. Today’s advancements in cosmetic surgery ensure more natural and long-lasting results than ever before. Reach out to Dr. Dax Demaree in Altoona, WI, to schedule a consultation today.